
Showing posts from May, 2017


Today i learnt that we are all a part of the class treaty
Kale chip recipe 1. Pick fresh kale from the kitchen garden. 2. Wash the kale so there are no bugs or dirt in it. 3. Heat up the frying pan so it’s hot. 4. Chop up the kale so it’s  a bit smaller. 5. Put some olive oil in it. 6.Plop the kale in it. 7. Mix it. 8. Take it out when it’s a bit crispy . 9. Done. Invented by Anna
Drone I can see a whole bunch of loud children waving at me.Oh no i'm going up,up,up,this is so Bouring it’s a part of my daily routine.It’s so loud up here there are birds chirping and wind Blowing and airplanes flying by. What is that,did the children draw on the grass, or is that millions Of ants spelling hes. Now i’m feeling even more terrified going to another area, is that Whaea geogia’s house? I wonder if i can touch the clouds and the top of the top of the redwood Tree? Why do i have to do this how would daniel feel if he had to do this I’m landing  finally  yes Back down again .
  In the trench i lie shivering i got a letter. Before i could read it people screamed after i heard it i hesitated. The letter said it came from my family they gave me a poppy a anzac cookie and a letter saying hope you survive. From mum dad alice buddy. I still felt a slight bit of happiness in me,but… I was still terrified. All i see is darkness all around and smoke. I wonder what my family is doing at home probably sleeping like they always do. I feel like i will be happy but i just my family and buddy so much. So i  cleared my mind and forgot about them. There's a dog killing rats. Me and cassia can see soldiers sleeping together.Me and cassia both go to sleep for a little while. And i survived with cassia.
The taniwha at the Marae The taniwha creeps under the marae gateway and spotted four hundred children. She blinks quickly so no one can see her. Suddenly her purple claws show and they disappear in five seconds. So she rushed to where no one can see her and she can see no one and puts a whoopie cushion on a chair and it camouflages. And when the next person sits on that chair they will be embarrassed!!! She scurries to a kauri tree that kids can climb on and stairs at the chair but no one comes so she takes the whoopie cushion back and hides behind the tree again and someone comes and sits on that chair!!!! She has pink scales and red spikes, galaxy wings and a galaxy tail that shimmers in the light, and yellow devil horns, and a yellow head. She sneaks over people's feet and she steps on someone’s foot and they start to cry loudly The taniwha sprints to the front and sits down to listen to the Kapa Haka performance that is so good she wants to join. So she goe